Dr.J.J.Magdum Trust’s, Dr.J.J.Magdum Homeopathic Medial College, Jaysingpur established in 1990 the department of Pathology & Microbiology established in june 1991 as the subject is for II nd year BHMS course.

The subject Pathology is concerned regarding various investigations of human being in diseased conditions. The human being a living machine prepared by almighty god. If we do not take care of this machine properly then by means of misuse or disuse the machine gets disturbed in its normal functions. It may be in the form of infections, or may be due to abuses. These disturbed conditions will lead to disturbances in normal mechanism and functions of human being leading to dis harmony; this is interpreted in the form of signs & symptoms. For the conformation of diagnosis in relation with signs & symptoms, the changes which are occurring or occurred inside the body will be confirmed with the help of investigations.

These investigations are in the form of 1. Examination of the blood. 2. Examination of urine 3. Examination of stools 4. Examination of sputum 5. Examination of various fluids accumulated inside body or on the body and any extra growths which are occurred inside or on the body etc. All these are examined and ruled out and will be helping to detect the dis harmony which is occurred in the body. All these are done in this department called Pathology.

The students studying in second year gets detail knowledge regarding Pathology for studying all those diseased conditions and methods to be attributed to diagnose these conditions in the form of investigations. The departments as well as laboratory are well equipped. There are 30 microscopes in the department to perform the investigations individually; also, there are various charts, auto projection slides and all chemicals to perform the practicals. The department is having departmental library which consist of basic to modern level books. There is museum which is consisting of about 450 specimens which are showing gross pathological changes which are occurred in various organs due to diseased condition.

The teachers in the department are highly qualified and they are imparting their knowledge to the students with the help of audiovisual aids and actual demonstration with the help of modern technologies.