Principal’s Message
Dr. Sunil B.Banne MD (Hom.)
I/C Principal
I take this proud privilege and opportunity to welcome you to Jaysingpur, a historical township and the most popular education center in this part of Maharastra. Jaisingpur is located on Kolhapur Sangli road. Dr. J J Magdum Homoepathic medical college was established in the year 1990 by a very popular Education Icon, Dr. J J Magdum who came from a very simple family and had a sole motto of providing medical education in the Homeopathic field to the needy to serve the poor patients at a very affordable cost. The college is located on Shirol NarsobaWadi road just a kilometer away from to bus stand.
Homeopathy is the latest medical science based on Nature’s law and Law of similar. This was founded by Dr. Samual Hahnemann, a man who was a genius and rather was the ONLY ONE who accepted Change as an eternal truth. Homeopathy is based on three basic principles SINGLE, SIMILAR, and MINIMUM dose. It is the most harmless medication possible today.
Dr. J J Magdum Homoepathic Medical College is recognized by the government of Maharashtra and NATIONAL COUNCIL OF HOMOEOPATHY, NEW DELHI, INDIA. The college is affiliated with MAHARASHTRA UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES, NASHIK.
We at our college we provide education of a very a high standard. We have highly qualified teachers with the highest level of commitment and dedication for imparting homeopathic education to the students. Our teachers take personal care of every student and follow strict discipline in all respects.
Our college fulfills 100% norms set by the CENTRAL COUNCIL OF HOMEOPATHY, NEW DELHI, INDIA. And is the most preferred homeopathic Medical College In this part of the country. We have pride in having our students highly placed and doing extremely well in their fields. Our students are placed all over INDIA and ABROAD.
We have well-established departments with all the facilities and especially the Department of ANATOMY AND ORGANON OF MEDICINE are worth mentioning. The departments are on par with any Medical College of Modern Medicine. We do not leave any stone unturned to ensure the overall personality growth of our students. Our college campus is ragging free which is worth noting.
We have a fully equipped hospital which is a class apart from any Hospital. We provide clinical training of a very high standard with more than 300 to 400 OPD paints daily. We have well equipped clinical laboratory and two CT Scan Machines where we provide services at a very minimum cost and reach the unreachable and all the masses.
Under the able leadership of our young and dynamic Chairman Shri Veejhay. J. Magdum the college is progressing to a greater height and surely stands apart from any other college.
Dr. Sunil B.Banne MD (Hom.)