It is impossible to practice Homeopathy without the aid of Repertories and the best Repertory is the fullest. The use of the repertory in Homeopathic practice is a necessity if one is to do careful work.

   Repertory Department of Dr.J.J.Magdum Homeopathic Medical College is one of the unique departments and called as a Centre of “Repertory Learning in India.”

Dr. Mahendra Singh about the Repertory Department writes that, ‘I admit that I have not seen such collection of Materials, references and unique things, connected with repertory before any were.’

   Dr.Rajan Sankaran says, about the repertory department that, “I think this Departmental place has the spirit, Substance and sole of repertory. I salute to efforts made by the departmental staff.”

   Apart from teaching Repertory at the undergraduate and Post-graduate level the departmental staff  are actively contributing to the improvement of the standards of Homeopathic teaching by presenting the reforms through articles and papers in various Homeopathic journals and seminars.

   The departmental staff is very enthusiastic and Keeping the aim to development in the field of Homeopathy which is helpful for the students. Various innovative works on Different aspects of Repertory is done through Models for the learning process of students.

   For many P.G. Students and teachers of Homeopathy, Department of Repertory is a tressorie of Old, New Repertories, containing articles, models, charts, Photographs, Slides, rare Card repertoires so called center of Repertory in India.


  • Different type of techniques used for repertorization.
  • Many gleanings of old literature, helpful for the reference purpose especially to the students.
  • As study of history is essential because it provides inspiration and aspiration to the present and for the future. The Department has a unique audio-visual room with a museum of photographs of different historical stalwarts who contributed for the Homeopathy.
  • The Departmental library contains rare material related to the subject.
  • Department has encompassed the latest technical developments of science into its area of learning, example being complete use with different Homeopathic software’s for the U.G and P.G students.

Thus Repertory Department is intended to fill the necessity of comprehensive manual that provides the learning resources to the UG, PG and PhD homeopathic students as well as anyone who is interested in Homeopathic repertory.