Shri. Veejhay J. Magdum.


Dear friends and parents,

     At the outset, I thank you for showing interest in our Dr. J. J. Magdum Homoepathic medical college. With a vision and mission to give good quality Homoeopathic as well as integrated modern medicine teaching, we have established this college to cater to the need of the students as well as to serve the weaker sections of rural mass.

We have established 70-bed “Dr. J. J. Magdum Homoepathic Hospital”, so that good quality health care is given at economical rates, the poor patients are given service totally free of cost. I can proudly say our college is the only college which is giving Homeopathic medical student comparative modern teaching so that he is well versed with all medical specialties and our graduate is better placed as compared to others in handling the sick when he goes back to society for practice. I am sure we will satisfy your wish to become a good doctor.

 Our motto is quality Homeopathic medicine teaching with comparative modern medicine teaching so that goal of health for all is reached at the earliest in near future.

With best wishes….
Yours in service of medical education.

Shri. Veejhay J. Magdum